Type of event: Workshop
Title of the event: Innovation and Entrepreneurship as Career Opportunity
Resource Person: Mr.K.C.Choudhury, Retd,IEDS, Ex. Asst Director, Grade I,MSME, Govt. of India.
Description: The program started at 11 am with a welcome address to the audience by Dr.Sumet Hangargi, IIC Coordinator. LIET(A). The resource person Mr.K.C.CHOUDHURY, Ex. Asst Director, Grade I, MSME, Govt. of India. was introduced by Mr. Nomaan Abdul Majeed, Associate Director, TBI, LIET(A).
The resource person started the session by extending his hearty thanks to the participants, – Institution’s Innovation Council, Principal, and Management of LIET(A) for allowing him to share his knowledge in ‘‘Innovation and Entrepreneurship as Career Opportunity”. The topic the resource person covered is Project Description, Project Methodology, Key Findings/Results, Research drill down, Invention & Innovation, Entrepreneurship Myths, The Importance of Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Skills, Why Entrepreneurships Fail, Business Plan, Key Components of the Business Plan and Legal Forms of Entrepreneurship.
Date of event: 02/12/24 & APJ Abdul Kalam Seminar Hall.
No.of participants: 100