Examination Cell

Examinations Cell


The Examination Cell plays a pivotal role in the conduct of all the examinations- internal and external in a fair and systematic manner. Being an autonomous institution, meticulous care is taken with maintaining the records of every student throughout their tenure with LIET and even after. The college boasts of its world-class infrastructure for conducting all the examinations. A qualified and hands-on team of teaching and non-teaching staff are associated with the cell for carrying out the activities efficiently. The examination branch is headed by the Controller of Examinations and the Principal is the Chief Controller of Examinations.


The Examination Cell works in tandem with the Osmania University (OU). The Controller of Examinations coordinates with the Principal regarding all proceedings of the cell. The cell processes any exam-related circulars, office orders, notifications, etc. received by the college.
The following are the main activities of the Examination Cell in adherence to the academic calendar

  • Exam Notifications
  • Exam fee collection
  • Exam time table preparation
  • Assigning invigilation duties
  • Avoiding malpractices
  • Evaluation of answer script
  • Results processing
  • Result Declaration
  • Re-Counting / Re-Evaluation
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