Committee MembersFunctions
S. No | Name of the Faculty | Designation | Role |
1 | Dr.Ravi Kishore Singh | Principal | Chief Superintendent / Chief CoE |
2 | Dr. Syed Azam Pasha Quadri | Vice Principal & HoD, ME | Controller of Exams |
3 | Dr. K. Nagi Reddy | Professor & HoD IT | Additional Controller of Exams |
4 | Mr. Mohammed Imaduddin | Associate Prof, ECE | Additional Controller of Exams |
6 | Mr. Shaik Jeelani Basha | Assistant Professor, MBA | Assistant Controller of Exams |
7 | Mr. Shafi | Assistant Professor, EEE | Assistant Controller of Exams |
8 | Mr. Sarap Raghavendra | Assistant Professor, Mech | Assistant Controller of Exams |
9 | Mr. Abdul Faizee | Exam Branch In-charge | Superintendent |
10 | Mr. M. A. Haleem Ather | Assistant Professor, EEE | Liaison officer, O.U- related |
11 | Mr. MD Vilayath Ali | System Administrator | In-charge, Exam- Automation |
Functions of Controller of Examination (CoE)
- The CoE shall be responsible for the Collections and Maintenance of student biodata from the students.
- To obtain approved syllabi for each course from the respective BOS Chairperson.
- Registration of programs opens electives from the students for the Semester End Examinations.
- Conduction of all examinations of UG/PG and issue notifications, timetables, seating Plans,and Invigilation duties.
- To obtain a panel of examiners for theory and laboratories from the respective Chairperson, BOS.
- To appoint Panel of Examiners for question paper setting and evaluation of both Internal and External (Theory and laboratory) Examinations from various other colleges and Universities.
- To appoint Scrutinizers and coding officers.
- To appoint Moderators for question papers.
- To issue the Hall Tickets to the eligible students for the Examination.
- To maintain stationary related to the exam branch.
- To arrange for the review of results and moderation.
- To publish the results with approval of Osmania university, officials.
- To issue semester grade cards, provisional certificates, and Transcripts
- To arrange for revaluation and challenge evaluation of answer scripts.
- Any other related work pertaining to examinations and evaluation as and when required by the Principal.
Functions of Additional Controller of Examination
- Preparation and distribution of timetables and communicati n g the same to the departments, well in advance.
- Correspond regularly with the paper setters and external examiners
- Prepare Nominal rolls, Hall tickets, D-forms, and Attendance statements.
- Assist in organizing question papers, oversee the moderation, assign question paper codes and finally print the selected paper.
- Arrange for coding of answer scripts and spot valuation.
- Seal and issue answer scripts to the appointed internal/external evaluators.
- Arrange for scrutiny of answer scripts and tabulation of results.
- Preserve valued answer scripts for future reference.
- Obtain Key Solutions to the question paper from the respective examiners.
- Help the controller in processing and analyzing the results.
- Document student data.
- Assist in the publication of results.
- Any other work related to examinations and evaluation as assigned by the Controller of Examinations.