
Career Guidance Cell

Events Organized Summary
S.No. Academic Year No. of Events Conducted No. od Students Benefited
1. 2023-24 7 381
2. 2022-23 6 220
3. 2021-22 4 154
4. 2020-22 2 88
Events conducted (2024-25)
Date Name of the Event Title of the event Resource Person No. of participants
27/11/2024 Career Guidance Guidance Program on Higher Education Mr.Irfan, Manager at Institutional Counselling with GECF 60
22/10/2024 Workshop Exclusive U.S Universities Study Abroad 1. Jodi Hasekamp, Director of Graduate, International Admissions, UM, USA.
2. Regina Nitin, Coordinator, International Admissions, UM, USA
01/10/2024 Seminar Competitive Exam Training and Career Guidance Mr S Mani Mohan Trinath, GATE/ ESE Trainer, ACE Engineering Academy 76

Events conducted (2023-24)
Date Name of the Event Title of the event Resource Person No. of participants
22/01/24 Seminar Importance of LOR & Career opportunities Dr. Katharina Yu, IDO, SIMPLED, USA 75
17/02/24 Webinar Profile Building Workshop Mr.Ankit Bhattacharya, Associate Manager, One Window Overseas. 65
27/03/24 Education Expo-IVY International Students Grand Education Fair Mr.Srinivas Goud, Associate at IVY, Hyderabad. 130
Events conducted (2022-23)
Date Name of the Event Title of the event Resource Person No. of participations
01/11/22 Webinar Higher Education and Career Aspects Abroad Mr. Kamal Kant, Vice President (Business Development) at AOEL. 78
08/05/23 Seminar Career Opportunities Mr. Manish Kumar, Associate at Manya Education. 48
27/06/23 Help Desk Program Help Desk for Abroad Education Mr. Venkateshwara, Coordinator, GECF, Hyderabad. 33
Events conducted (2021-22)
Date Name of the Event Title of the event Resource Person No. of participants
18/05/22 Seminar Abroad Education Awareness Program Ms. Kavitha, Global ECF-Branch Manager. 75
27/05/22 Help Desk Program Study and Settle Abroad Mr. Aman Kumar, Associate at Business development. 35
03/06/22 Seminar Preparation of English Proficiency Test Mr. Arvind Kumar, Manager, Technical Education. 32
14/06/22 Education Fair On Campus Abroad Education Fair Mr. Laxmi Narayana, GECF-Technical and colligate Education. 147
Events conducted (2020-21)
Date Name of the Event Title of the event Resource Person No. of participants
20/11/20 Seminar Higher Education Abroad Mr.Sheik Suhel, Soft Pro Consultancy, Hyderabd. 80
19/01/21 Webinar Higher Education Mr. Satish Kumar, (Associate Business Development). 58
On Campus Abroad Education Fair

Global Education & Career Guidance Cell

Abroad Education Awareness Program

Global Education & Career Guidance Cell

Young Leaders Programme

Lords E-Cell/ Lords TBI

Seminar on Higher Education in France

Global Education & Career Guidance Cell

Seminar on Higher Education Abroad

Department of ECE and GECG Cell

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