Expert Lecture on Creative Session

Expert Lecture on Creative Session

Expert Lecture on Creative Session

Type of the Event: Expert Lecture

Title of the Event: Creative Session-Innovative Ideas

Resource Person: Mrs.Gayatri P.Borker Director and co founder of Tekyz Tech,Director Delivery and Operations at Tekyz Inc,USA.

Description about the Event(50 Words): Department of CSE was conducted a Expert Lecture on ” Creative Session-Innovative Ideas “for 3rd year students on 28-09-2024 at A.P.J Abdul Kalam Seminar Hall, II floor, Dr. Ravi Kishore Singh, Principal LIET, Dr T. k. Shaik Shavali Hod- CSE graced the event. Associate Hod -CSE has welcomed all the participants and the guest faculty.The resource person was Empowering participants with technology and creative tools that guide their brainstorming sessions goes a long way in changing the outcome,Hackathons are up-and-coming innovation formats dedicated to addressing a specific topic or challenge. Participants will work in small groups in an environment that encourages creative thinking and innovative brainstorming and prototyping.Agile Stand-Up -Designed as a daily meeting involving the core team, stand-ups are an effective format for quickly and efficiently getting at the heart of the problem or topic at hand.Team Building-Getting everyone to work well together toward the same goals can be a challenge, especially if you are bringing in people from different backgrounds or experiences. Problem Solving-Need to solve a specific, identified problem? Want to focus on creating strategies and plans to navigate the future of your organization? Idea Sharing-When the goal of your innovation meeting is to generate as many ideas as possible from your attendees, you’ll want to rely on an idea sharing meeting format that is designed to do exactly that. By the end of the session students got the knowledge and ideas about Hackathon,Agile Stand-Up Team Building,Problem Solving, Idea Sharing etc

Organized by: Department of CSE

Date Of Event: 28-09-2024

Number of Students Participants attended: 110

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