Industrial Visit to LEDChip

Industrial Visit to LEDChip

Industrial Visit to LEDChip

Type of the event: Industrial visit to LEDchip Indus Private Limited

Name of the company: LEDchip Indus Private Limited

Place of visit: Kushaiguda Industrial Area, Kushaiguda, Secunderabad, Telangana 500062

Description: A group of 50 ECE II Year students from Lords Institute of Engineering and Technology, accompanied by a faculty member, visited LED Chip Indus Private Limited, Hyderabad. The industrial visit provided valuable insights into LED chip manufacturing processes, design, and testing, enhancing students’ practical understanding of semiconductor technology and its applications.
Organized by: Department of ECE

Date of Visit: 17-10-2024

Type of company: Private

No.of Participants Visited: 50

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