Problem Solving & Ideation

Problem Solving & Ideation

Problem Solving & Ideation

Type of event: Workshop

Title of the event: “Problem Solving & Ideation Workshop”

Resource Person: Dr.Sanjay Fluria, Prof. at IBS, Hyderabad.

On 23/11/24 a session on “Session on Problem Solving and Ideation Workshop” was organized by the Entrepreneurship Development Cell and IIC. The session was handled by Dr. Sanjay Fluria, Professor at IBS, Hyderabad. Fifty-Five students from IT & CSE department participated in the program. The program was coordinated by Dr. Sumeet Hangargi, Coordinator of IIC, LIET(A) FROM 11:30 AM TO 12:30 PM.
The guest speaker discussed the process of problem-solving and ideation successfully. The problem solving process begins with identifying the issue, exploring its root causes, ideating and refining possible solutions before implementing and measuring the impact of that solution. She gave a lot of examples for the process of problem solving. In addition to this she also highlighted the ideation techniques such as, 1. Brainstorming · 2. Worst idea · 3. Storyboarding · 4. Mind mapping 5. Brainwriting 6. Questioning 7. Sketching, 8. Analogies, 9. Scamper, 10. Body Strom.

Date: 23/11/24 & Smart Room 419

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