IIT Bombay Remote Center with RCID- 1481 had been confirmed for LORDS Institute of Engineering and Technology on 12th April 2018. Through this remote center, IIT Bombay conducts MOOC courses and STTP Faculty Development Programmes for students as well as faulty members.
This project is funded by the National Mission on Education using ICT (NMEICT) of MHRD to train teachers and students. Participating teachers attend live lectures at a remote center close to their own college, and also attend tutorial and lab sessions conducted in the same centers. The lecture transmission and live interaction takes place in distance mode using A-VIEW technology through internet at the selected remote centers across the country.Our
Events Organized in Collaboration with IIT Bombay
Sr No | Name of the Event | Dates | Participants |
01 | One Day Linux workshop for the Teachers | 23/08/2019 | 35 |
02 | One Day Workshop on "Moodle LMS" | 15/03/2019 | 43 |
03 | KOHA Workshop for Library | 12/10/2018 | 1 |
Remote Center Coordinator(RCC)
E-Mail: abdulrais@lords.ac.in
Contact No: 9420464437, 8208572728