IQAC Committee

Internal Quality Assurance Cell

Committee MembersCommittee CompositionThe role of the CoordinatorOperational Features of the IQAC
S. No Name Designation Role in IQAC
1 Mr. Syed Touseef Ahmed Vice Chairman Management Member
2 Dr. Ravi Kishore Singh Principal Chairman
3 Dr. Anitha Patil Dean IQAC Coordinator
4 Dr. Shashidar Dean Academics Senior Academician
5 Dr. J. Sasi Kiran Dean Ist Year Senior Academician
6 Dr. Ragava Rao HoD-CIVIL Senior Academician
7 Dr. Syed Azam Pasha HoD- ME Senior Academician
8 Dr Sunil V.K.G HoD- CSE Senior Academician
9 Dr. K.Nagi Reddy HoD-IT Senior Academician
10 Dr. Ch Santhan Kumar HoD- EEE Senior Academician
11 Dr. Mohd. Rasool HoD- ECE Senior Academician
12 Dr. Rehana Anjum HoD- Chemistry Senior Academician
13 Dr. Ravi Kumar HoD- Physics Senior Academician
14 Mrs. Tahseen Siddique HoD- English Senior Academician
15 Dr. Md Irshad Ali HoD- Mathematics Senior Academician
16 Dr. Suganda HoD- MBA Senior Academician
17 Mrs. Stuti Bardwaj Placement Officer Senior Academician
18 Mr. Abbas Khan Admin Officer Senior Academician
19 Ms. Syed Simroze Associate Professor (CIVIL) Faculty Member
20 Mrs. Swapna Assistant Professor (ECE) Faculty Member
21 Mr. Shaik Mohd Hussain Assistant Professor (MECH) Faculty Member
22 Mrs. K.B.Vanitha Assistant Professor (MBA) Faculty Member
23 Mrs. Kaneez Fatima Assistant Professor (IT) Faculty Member
24 Mr. Venkat Krishna Assistant Professor (EEE) Faculty Member
25 Dr. Rehana Anjum Associate Professor (S & H) Faculty Member
26 Mr. Naqueeb Ahmed Assistant Professor (CSM) Faculty Member
27 Mr Mohammed Kaleem Ullah Assistant Professor (CSD) Faculty Member
28 Mr. C. Gopal Industrial Professional Faculty Member
29 Mr. Mohd Aziz Parent Nominee
30 Mr. S.M. Tajdar Ali Alumni Nominee
31 Mr. Ubaidullah Khan Alumni Nominee

Composition of the IQAC

The IQAC may be constituted in every institution under the chairmanshipof head of the institution with heads of important academic and administrative units and a few teachers and a few distinguished educationists / representatives of local committee. The composition of the IQAC may be as follows:

  1. Chairperson: Head of the Institution
  2. A few senior administrative officers
  3. Three to eight faculty
  4. One/two members from the Management
  5. One / two nominees from local society
  6. One of the senior faculty as the coordinator of the

The composition of the IQAC will depend on the size and complexity of the institution. It helps the colleges in planning and monitoring. IQAC also gives stakeholders or beneficiaries a cross-sectional participation in the institution’s quality enhancement activities. The guidelines given here are only indicative and will help the institutions for quality sustenance activities.It is necessary for the members of the IQAC to shoulder the responsibilities of generating and promoting awareness in the institution and to devote time for working out the procedural details. While selecting these members several precautions need to be taken. A few of them are listed below:

  • It is advisable to choose from various backgrounds who have earned respect for integrity and excellence in their teaching and Moreover, they should be aware of the ground realities of the institutional environment. They should be known for their commitment to improving the quality of teaching and learning.
  • It would be appropriate to choose as (senior administrators) in charge of institutional services such as library, computer center, estate, student welfare, administration, academic tasks, examination, planning and
  • The management representatives should be persons who are aware of the institution’s objectives, limitations and strengths and are committed to The local society representatives should be of high standing and should have made significant contributions to society, and, in particular, to education.
The role of the coordinator of the IQAC is crucial in ensuring the effective functioning of all the members. The coordinator of the IQAC may be a senior/competent person with experience and exposure in quality aspects. She/he may be a full-time functionary or, to start with, she/he may be a senior academic /administrator entrusted with the IQAC as an
additional responsibility. Secretarial assistance may be facilitated by the administration. It is essential that the coordinator may have sound knowledge about the computer, data management and its various functions such as usage for effective communication.

Quality assurance is a by-product of ongoing efforts to define the objectives of an institution, to have a work plan to achieve them and to specify the checks and balances to evaluate the degree to which each of the tasks is fulfilled. Hence devotion and commitment to improvementrather than mere institutional control is the basis for devising procedures and instruments for assuring quality. The right balance between the health and growth of an institution needs to be struck. The IQAC has to ensure that whatever is done in the institution for “education” is done efficiently and effectively with high standards. In order to do this, the IQAC will have to first establish procedures and modalities to collect data and information on various aspects of institutional functioning.

The coordinator of the IQAC will have a major role in implementing these functions. The IQAC may derive major support from the already existing units and mechanisms that contribute to the functions listed above. The operational features and functions discussed so farare broad-based to facilitate institutions towards academic excellence and institutions may adapt them to their specific needs.
The Institutions are requested to submit the AQAR after one year from date of Accreditation every year. A functional Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and timely submission of Annual Quality Assurance Reports (AQARs) are the Minimum Institutional Requirements (MIR) to volunteer for second, third or subsequent cycle’s accreditation. During the institutional visit the NAAC peer teams will interact with the IQACs to know the progress, functioning as well as quality sustenance initiatives undertaken by them.

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