For proper functioning of academics in an educational institution and to quantify the efforts dispensed by the faculty and students, some assessment components have been designed which includes the assessment of course delivery as per the curriculum and syllabus of LIET, the co curricular and extra-curricular activities of students, overall discipline and the academic functioning of the Institution, delivery of the duties and responsibilities of faculty members and monitoring of the class, progress of courses, internal assessment, student welfare and grievances. It is intended o focus on and improve various components of the Teaching-Learning Process and to improve accountability related to the academic functioning of each Department.
- To monitor the academic performances of the staff members by going through their lesson plans and log books.
- To organize periodical meetings to assess the effectiveness of teaching and discuss about the improvements to be made in the curricular and co-curricular aspects.
- The main objective of the Academic Audit Cell is to ensure, strengthen and sustain academic standards in affiliated colleges through college inspections and verification of records.
- To promote self reflection among all departments/sections/student activity centres of the University being audited.
- To promote self improvement measures among all departments/sections/Student activity Centres of the University being audited.
- To conduct quality checks on different activities undertaken in all departments/sections/Student activity Centers of the University to meet expected outcomes.
- To promote adoption of best practices.
- To encourage departments or programs to evaluate their education quality processes.