Year Planner

National Service Scheme

Year planner
Period Month Events Planned

1st Quarterly

APRIL ·       Submission of 2nd half yearly and Annual Reports. Submission of Annual Accounts certified by C.A.

·       Updating of Registers and Records.

·       Re-payment of Unspent funds to University.

MAY ·       Review of NSS Activities of last year.

·       Selection of Village/Slum for adoption by the NSS Unit. Preparation of Action Plan for the currentyear.

·       Preparatory work for enrollment of Volunteers.

JUNE ·       Constitution of College Advisory Committee meeting.

·       Participate in District Level Programme Officers meeting.

·       Observation of World Environment Day on 5th

·       Conduct of Campus cleaning Programme.

·       Plantation at Unit Level.




2nd Quarterly

JULY ·       Conduct of College Advisory Committee Meeting.

·       Enrollment of Volunteers and submission of list.

·       Orientation training to NSS Volunteers

·       Conduct Summer Special Camp.

·       Mass Plantation in Campus (Vanamahotsav 1st to 7th)

AUGUST ·       Conduct of Orientation training to the Volunteers.

·       Mass Tree Plantation in the Campus/Adopted village, visit of adopted slum/ village.

·       Blood grouping and blood donation programmes.

·       Observation of Independence Day on 15th.

·       Lecture on Communication Skills.

SEPTEMBER ·       Observation of Teachers day on 5th.

·       Observation of International Literacy Day visit of adopted slum / village on 8th.

·       Conduct NSS day celebrations on 24th

·       Conduct of Lecture and Seminar on Environment .




3rd Quarterly

OCTOBER ·       Submission of 1stHalf yearly Report.

·       Observation of days of the month

·       Conduct of College Level Youth Festival.

·       Conduct of Blood Donation Camp.

·       Identification of Volunteers for Dist/Univ./State/National progs.

NOVEMBER ·       Conduct of Winter Special Camp.

·       Observation of days of the month.

·       Conduct of Lecture on Law & Order.

·       Conduct of Lecture on legal awareness.

·       Conduct of Lecture on health awareness.

DECEMBER ·       Conduct of Words AIDS Day on 1st

·       Conduct of Human rights day on 10th

·       Conduct of Winter Special Camps if notconducted.

·       Collection of Nominations from Volunteers for Awards.

·       Conduct of Mega Blood Donation Camps.

·       Conduct of College Advisory Committee meeting



4th Quarterly

JANUARY ·       Conduct of Youth day & Youth festival on 12th

·       Conduct of Winter Special Camps if not conducted.

·       Conduct of Level Youth Festival on 12th.

·       Conduct of Republic Day on 26th .

·       Conduct of College Advisory Committee meeting – 2nd if not conducted.

FEBRUARY ·       Conduct of Special Camps.

·       Conduct of Lecture on Anti plastics.

·       Conduct of NSS Unit day

MARCH ·       Updating of Cash Book and other Records.

·       Review of NSS Programmes of current year.

·       Conduct of International Women’s Day on 8th.

No. Occasion Date & Month
1 National Youth Day & Week 12th to 19th Jan
2 Republic Day 26th Jan
3 Water Awareness Day 1st to 7th March
4 Women’s Day 8th March
5 World Handicapped Day 15th March
6 World Disabled Day 19th March
7 World Forest Day 20th March
8 World Health Day 7th April
9 Fire Prevention Day 14th April
10 World Health Day 22nd April
11 May Day / Labour Day 1st May
12 Nutrition Day 1st to 7th May
13 World Mother’s Day 10th May
14 Anti Terrorism Day 21st May
15 World Tobacco Day 31st May
16 World Environment Day 5th June
17 World Against Child Labour Day 12th June
18 World Blood Donor’s Day 14th June
19 Happy Father’s Day 21st June
20 Vanamahotsav Week 1st to 7th July
21 World Population Day 11th July
22 Campaign against Nuclear Weapons 6th August
23 Independence Day 15th August
24 Teacher’s Day 5th Sept
25 International Literacy Day-Week 8th to 14th Sept
26 N.S.S Foundation Day 24th Sept
27 Gandhi Jayanthi & Intentional Non-violence and Peace Day 2nd Oct
28 World Eye Sight Day 12th Oct
29 World Food Day 16th Oct
30 International Coastal Cleanup Day 21st Oct
31 Saving Day / National Integration Day 31st Oct
32 Mother’s Day 19th Nov
33 Quami Ekta Week 19th to 24th Nov
34 World AIDS Day 1st Dec
35 International Volunteer’s Day 5th Dec
36 Human Rights Day 10th Dec
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