Student Association Coordination Cell

Student Association Coordination Cell


Student Association of Lords Institute of Institute of Engineering Technology is intended for multidimensional technical /non technical skill development among students.
Various Departments had proposed to establish their department association for the refinement of students to enrich their professional growth in a continuously improving environment.

Functions of SACC

  • To encourage the student creativity, motivation and team work through co curricular development programs.
  • To organize various technical /non technical co curricular competitions to excavate the competency among the students.
  • To provide economical/financial support to organize the events/activities by the student association.

SACC Institutional Functioning

  • SACC will coordinate co curricular activities by the various department student associations.
  • Delivers the plans and schedules to organize the co curricular activities.
  • Supports the co curricular activities through funding.
  • Provides amenities and facilities for smooth organizing of the activities.
Functions of SACC

  • One room for the student association cell to discuss about the activities.
  • Notice notices boards are available to the both sides of the room for pasting / keeping circulars, updating the event photos, press clippings, Year Planners etc.
  • Posters of vision and mission of the institute on the wall of the room
  • Having a good number of chairs and space to discuss / conduct the committee meetings.
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