Committee MembersRoles & Responsibilities
S. No | Name of the faculty/Student | Designation | Department | Position Held |
1 | Dr Abdul Rasool MD | Associate Professor | CSE | Coordinator |
2 | Mr. Abdul Kareem | Assistant Professor | EEE | Member |
3 | Mrs. Farheen Sultana | Assistant Professor | CSE | Member |
4 | Ms. Parveen Suraiya | Assistant Professor | S & H | Member |
5 | Mr. RG Nouman Khan | Assistant Professor | CIVIL | Member |
6 | Mr. S Madhukar | Assistant Professor | MECH | Member |
7 | Ms. Sharea Takreem | Assistant Professor | ECE | Member |
8 | Mr. Abdul Rais | Assistant Professor | CSE-AIML | Member |
9. | Ms. Houreen Khanam | Assistant Professor | MBA | Member |
10 | Ms. B. Naga Lakshmi | Assistant Professor | IT | Member |
11. | Mr. Feroz Amer | Assistant Professor | CSE-Data Science | Member |
12. | Mohammed Zain | Student | CSE | Member |
13 | Mirza Taabish Ahmed Baig | Student | CSE-AIML | Member |
Roles and Responsibilities of the Convener
- To plan activities of all the department associations.
- To conduct the meetings related to student association cell.
- To co ordinate the all department secretaries and supervising the co curricular activities in their department.
- To prepare the minutes of the meeting and summary of events preparation year wise.
Roles and Responsibilities of Department Coordinator
- To plan the co curricular activities of their department in sync with their department regular activities.
- To prepare the circulars and schedules of the activities/events.
- Motivating & encouraging the students of the department to participate/ register in various co curricular activities.
- To allot the activity coordinator for each activity in association with their Department HoD.
- To organize department association meetings and preparation of minutes.
- To keep records, summary and documentations of all the events or activities organized.
- To upload the events organized data in to the website and maintenance of screenshots.
Roles and Responsibilities of Event coordinator
- Motivating the students and registering the students to the stated activity.
- Recording of the events and preparation of documents of the organized events/ activities i.e. registration forms, winners list, feedback forms.
- To prepare the report of the event or activity which they had organized.
- To collect the feedback and preparation of feedback analysis, forwarding the same to the HOD & convener of their respective department for refinement the events.
Roles and Responsibilities of Student Member
- To motivate the fellow students to participate in the co curricular activity.
- To act as a organizer & volunteer to the activity and participant in that event.
- To provide feedback on the organized event/activity.