1) Data should not have Spelling and Grammatical mistakes. Please make sure that we are maintaining standards of sentence framing.
2) Data should be provided from your official mail id only. Kindly make a habit of using Official mail ids.
3) WhatsApp will not be considered for Data transmission (You can use WhatsApp just for informing purpose in website group)
4) Data should be provided in specific format prescribed by us only.
5) Your prime duty/job is to get the details verified by HoD three times before sending to us on webadmin@lords.ac.in for website updation.
6) Our duty/job is to directly upload on website
7) After uploading content on website. We will send you ACK-Email and ACK-Message on WhatsApp. It is your prime duty to verify it once again whether it has been uploaded correctly or not. If any corrections are there then please bring to our notice personally or meet me so that it will be rectified soon.
8) Its humble request please try to avoid posting corrections in public place
9) After doing changes and if you are OK with the content uploaded on the website then you can give Acknowledement as Verified, It is correct in WhatsApp group and in the Email.
[Providing the content for website + Verifying the content after uploading on website] = Quality Assurance on the website
10) Data should be provided immediately with lightening speed whenever it is demanded.
Its humble request to follow Policy-II
Just for motivation A good data provider is Excellent Authenticator/Attestor/Verifier