Faculty Profile
Name of the Faculty | Mr.Abdul Rais |
Department | Computer Science & Engineering |
Employee ID | LRDS1605016 |
AICTE ID | — |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Teaching Experience | 7 |
Industrial Experience | 6 Months |
Administrative Experience/ Responsibilities Shouldered | Website Incharge, NPTEL-SPOC (IIT Madras),Remote Center Coordinator (IIT Bombay),Swayam Prabha Coordinator |
Qualification | B.Tech, M.Tech |
Email ID | abdulrais@lords.ac.in |
Area of Specialization | Computer Networks, Formal Language Automata Theory, Internet of Things, R Language, Arduino Programming Language, HTML,CSS, JavaScript, PHP,Python Language, Data Science |
Membership | ISTE, CSI |
Academic Identity | https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/myprofile |
Video Lecture | College YouTube Link |