Title: Launch of Telangana Chapter – International Network for Outcome Based Education (IN4OBE)
Chief Guest: Prof. William G. Spady, The Father of Outcome Based Education and President & CEO, IN4OBE; Guests-of-Honour: Shri. B. Vinod Kumar, Vice Chairman – Telangana State Planning Commission, Government of Telangana (Cabinet Minister Rank) and Prof. Anil D. Sahasrabudhe, Chairman – All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Ministry of Education, Government of India.
Special Invitees: Shri. P. V. Raja Rao IFS, Director, Telangana State Forest Academy, Govt. of Telangana; Prof. V. Venkata Ramana, Vice Chairman, Telangana State Council of Higher Education, Govt. of Telangana; Prof. M. Manzoor Hussain, Registrar and Prof. G. K. Viswanadh, Director, UGC–HRDC, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad; Prof. Elias Sampa, Program Director, Australian Institute for Higher Education, Australia; Prof. Fong Mak, Professor & Dean, Gannon University, Pennsylvania, USA; Prof. Alan Rowe, Vice President Retd., Kirkwood Community College, USA; and Prof. Wajid Hussain, Director – Quality Assurance, Islamic University in Madina, Saudi Arabia
Department/Cell: Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
Date: 30th July 2021
No. of Participants Attended: 500+