Digital Library

Central Library & Information Center

Digital Library is also provided for the continuous updating of recent technologies. Internet facility is available for Staff & Students. e-Resources like J-Gate Plus e-Journals, DELNET, and EBSCO e-books are available in digital library. These e-Resources can be accessed in remotely i.e. anywhere in campus or off campus. NPTEL Video lectures can also be accessed in digital library. Library is automated using NewGenLib software
Number of Computers in Digital Library: 30
System configurations

  • Brand: Dell Vostro 3681sf
  • Processor Intel Core 15 -10400 –10th Gen.
  • RAM: 8GB
  • Hard Disk: 1TB HDD
  • Led Screen: 18.5”, Mouse & Keyboard
  • Network: LAN, Wifi & Bluetooth
  • Operating System: W10

400 e-Journals (Engineering and Technology)

J-Gate plus e-Journals 17,700 (Engineering & Technology)

URL: https://jgateplus.com/search/

(Intranet & Remote Access)

Open Source NISCAIR Open access e-Journals:14
URL: http://op.niscair.res.in/
Open Source Scientific Research:
An Academic Publisher
E – Journals: 200+
URL: https://www.scirp.org/journal/index.aspx
Open Source Springer Above 200 Peer Reviewed Open Access Journals
URL: https://www.springeropen.com/
Open Source Electronic Journals Library (EZB) E – Journals: 63,470
URL: https://knowledge.unccd.int/kss/electronic-journals-library-ezb
Open Access Journal Search Engine OAJSE 4000+ Open Access Journals
URL: http://oajse.com/a-z/a.html
E-Books and other Databases
DELNET e-books Thesis/Dissertations
and other online Data BasesURL:

OR URL: www.delnet.in/

EBSCO http://search.ebscohost.com/
National Digital Library Of India (NDL)(Open access) 7,00,000 e – Books and above

URL: www.ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/

Faadooengineers (Open access) Access free e-books and projects

URL: www.faadooengineers.com/

PDFDRIVE (Open access) Millions of e-books URL: www.pdfdrive.com/category/43
Obooko (Open access) Thousands of e-books available

URL: www.obooko.com/

Coursera (Open access) Online educational resources for teaching and learning on technology and engineering

URL: www.coursera.org/

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