Title of the event: Meena Bazar
Resource Person with one line short profile: Mr.Nomaan Abdul Majeed and Mrs.Imrana Fatima
Description about the event (50 Words):
Meena Bazar Conducted by Department of Management Studies at Lords Institute of Engineering and Technology conducted Meena Bazar (A Women Entrepreneur Initiative) on 13th July, 2023 at 4th Floor. In this fest There were many Stalls set up in like Saudi Mocktails, Cindrella Cosmetics, College Foods, Dazzling Jewellery, Mary Claire Cosmetics, Ghup-Chup Gastronomy, Thick Shakes, Threaded Pearls Jewellery, Crown Jewel etc. Total 250+ students participated
Organized by : Department MBA
Date of event: 13/07/2023
No.of students/participants attended: 250+