Republic Day Celebrations 2023

Republic Day Celebrations 2023

Republic Day Celebrations 2023

Type of event: Cultural

Title of the Event: Republic Day Celebrations 2023

Chief Guest: Mr. Basha Mohiuddin- Founder and Chairman(LIET), Mrs. Rizwana Begum, Secretary(LIET) and Mr. Syed Touseef Ahmed, Vice-Chairman(LIET)
Description: Lords Institute of Engineering and Technology has celebrated 74th Republic Day at their campus from 8.30am onwards with a lot of patriotic fervour.The Chairman,Janab C.A.Basha Mohiuddin;The Secretary,Mrs Rizwana Begum;The Vice Chairman,Mr.Syed Touseef Ahmed;The Joint Secretary Mr.C.A.Syed Tanveer Ahmed and the Principal,Dr.C.V.Narasimhulu graced the dias.More than 300 participants including staff and students attended the programme.The programme concluded with a vote of thanks.

Date: 27-01-2023

Organized by Cell: Arts & Culture Cell

No.of Participants Attended: 300+

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