Title: Unnat Bharat Abhiyan, Ministry of Education, Government of India
Students and faculty members of Lords Institute of Engineering And Technology (Autonomous) Hyderabad conducted a survey on 21st February 2022 at Medipalle Village, Moinabad Mandal, Ranga Reddy District under Unnat Bharat Abhiyan Scheme by the Ministry of Education, Government of India. In consultation with Mr. Praveen Kumar, Panchayat Sarpanch, and ward members of the village were present during their executive council meeting. Dr. C. Venkata Narasimhulu, Principal and Head of Institution LIET, addressed the gathering at the Gram Sabha of the Panchayat office and explained that students will survey the village to identify the problems faced by the residents and solve them through technology intervention. He thanked the Sarpanch Mr. Praveen Kumar and Panchayat Secretary Mr. Murail for facilitating the survey. He also mentioned that once problems of the village are identified the Professors and Engineering Students will work on finding solutions through technology intervention, innovation, and entrepreneurship. To achieve the desired outcome the Panchayat Administration extended their full cooperation. Dr. R. Hafeez Basha, Director Lords TBI, and UBA co-ordinator. Mr. Mohammed Safiuddin, Associate Professor, Mr. S.M. Tajdar Ali Taj, CEO Lords TBI. and Student coordinators Mr. Mohammed Hafeezuddin, Mr. Syed Mohammed Siraj Ul Haq, Ms. Rumeza Fatima, and Mr. Ubaidullah Khan, led the survey with a total of 60 boys and 40 girl students from different streams of engineering to conduct an all-round survey. There were two teams divided where girl students reached out to each household and interacted with women inside their houses, whereas male students of the other team focused on identifying problems related to infrastructure, sanitation, drinking water, etc. by interacting with random locals including children. Some of the problems identified by students shall be reported to the Ministry of Education along with a request for aid and support. There will be rewards given to innovative solutions and all the participants shall be provided with a certificate of appreciation from the Ministry of Education, Government of India.
Dr. Narasimhulu appreciated the students for taking out time for social causes and asked them to think like an engineer for every problem and come up with the most innovative solutions.
There was also external support extended by Yousuf Khan Foundation, a registered NGO led by Dr. Jawwad Patel, an Indian Innovator, and Scientist who is also an alumni of LIET. conducted the survey.
Department/Cell: National Service Scheme (NSS)
Date: 21/02/2022
No.of Participants Attended: 100