Guest Lecture on DAA

Guest Lecture on DAA

Guest Lecture on DAA

Type of the event: Guest Lecture

Title of the event: “DAA – NP Complete and NP Hard Problems

Resource Person: The speakers Mr. Abdul Bari (Udemy Academy, Hyderabad) delivered a Guest Lecture about, what NP Problems are and what are its different types.

Description about the event (50 Words): A Guest Lecture was conducted on “DAA – NP Complete and NP Hard Problems” by the department of Computer Science and Engineering -Lords college of engineering and technology. This event was conducted at CSE Seminar Hall with students participating. Students were also explained the differences between the NP problems and Decidability Problems. Students understood the concepts NP problems and were able to differentiate between different types of problems in algorithms. They also understood the importance of the algorithm in computer science and with respect to the career advancement. Students were eager to have similar event in future to have support and career guidance from experts. Students as well as faculty members attended the seminar and appreciated the efforts.

Organized by : Computer Science and Engineering

Date of event: 20-01-2024

No.of students/participants attended: 150

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