Type of event : Workshop
Title of the event: Virtual Steering – Game Dev
Resource Person :
1.Mr. Afnan Abdul Vasay, Founder and Lead, CWH
2. Ms. Reda Kaleem, Tech Member, CWH
Description: Department of Information Technology students association ITSA- Information Technology Students Association along with CWH- Code Wave Hub has conducted a One Day workshop on Virtual Steering was conducted on 18-12-2023 at Main Seminar Hall-IV Floor. Dr. Ravi Kishore Singh, Principal LIET, Dr. Shaik Imam Shaheb HOD-CSE, Dr. Abdul Rasool MD HOD-CSM graced the event. Associate HOD-IT has welcomed all the participants and the guest faculty.
By the end of the session, students got awareness about the Dictionary, List, Tuple, Control Statements in Python and Library like OpenCV. Students have understood how to handle the inbuilt games with the hand gestures virtually.
Organized by: Information Technology & Code Wave Hub
Date: 18 December, 2023
No. of participants attended: 223