R&D Profile at a Glance

R&D Profile at a Glance

LORDS has shown its excellence of research in different fields of Engineering and our faculty executed more than 4 sponsored projects in the last few years. Some of the areas of research interest of the faculty are:

  • Centre for Research in CFD and IC Engines got funding of Rs. 11.5 lakh under MODROBS Scheme of AICTE.
  • Faculty Development Programs got funding of Rs. 5.46 lakh by AICTE under the AQIS Scheme, Rs. 93000/- under the ATAL Scheme and 1 lakh AICTE (SPICES) Scheme.
  • Many students’projects were being sponsored by external agencies. Since its inception the Cell has been encouraging all researchers on campus and its efforts are reflected by statistics of the recent activities in the following table.
Grant Received/ Approved 19 lakh (Tentatively)
New Projects 5 (Rough)
Total Value of Funded Research 60 lakh(Rough)
Project Proposals (in pipe line) 5(Rough)
Journal Papers in 2021 (Published) 80(Rough)
Journal Papers (in pipeline) 50(Rough)
Number of Faculty with Ph.D. 40(Rough)
Number of Faculty pursuing Ph.D. 26(Rough)
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